Millionenlos from Swisslos: your daily winning symbols via SMS

With the Millionenlos, a new millionaire has been made every day from December 1st to December 24th for several years now. If you buy a ticket, you can uncover a field every day and if the right symbol appears, you win a million francs, or one of the current daily prices.
Information by SMS
Since 2017, Mobiletechnics has made it possible for Swisslos to send the current winning symbols daily to the smartphones of end users via SMS subscription service. This is easier for the end users than checking the website every day and saves them a lot of time.
How does it work; Send an SMS with the keyword SYMBOLS to 4545 and receive a FREE SMS every morning.
Mobiletechnics as a system integrator
As a system integrator, Mobiletechnics has the necessary experience and expertise in developing such services. Our team also supports Swisslos with other products: you can subscribe to various SMS jackpots or receive winner information so that you definitely don’t miss anything.